A CSR approach for a responsible future

Involved collaborators in a comprehensive approach.

Since June 2020, the Bils-Deroo Group has decided to launch a CSR initiative. CSR is defined as the approach whereby companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their interactions with stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

Integrated into the company's CAP 2025, these actions will be extended into the year 2024. Other challenges will complement them and thus integrate into the Group's management system.

2020 .

Creation of the CSR committee consisting of 7 employees.

2021 .

Implementation of the first CSR actions:

  • Launch of an audit on the "relamping" of our buildings
    • 60% of our buildings are equipped with LEDs
    • 100% of our sites operate on green energy
  • Implementation of a security policy, training, health and safety dashboard

First participation in European Sustainable Development Weeks:
  • Awareness-raising of employees regarding the approach
  • Awareness campaign on Equality

2022 .

Integration of 4 new challenges: Corruption and fraud, Promotion of CSR in the value chain, Social dialogue, Circular economy including waste management.

Integration of new collaborators within the committee.

Rédaction d’une charte RSE.

Signature of the charter "Transporters Commit" of the Objective CO2 initiative.

2023 .

Carpooling solution:

  • Implement a carpooling solution for our employees.
  • Réalisation du bilan carbone
  • EcoVadis Performance
  • Achievement of the bronze medal on EcoVadis with a score of 54/100

Some actions 2022:

ECO DRIVING: Steering, training and support for drivers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

CSR CHARTER: Drafting a CSR charter for stakeholders involved in the approach

some actions for 2023:

CARPOOLING: Implement a carpooling solution for our employees with BlaBlaCar.

SEMAINES EUROPEENNES DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE : Sensibilisa.tion des collaborateurs à la démarche RSE

2020 .

Creation of the CSR committee consisting of 7 employees.

2021 .

Implementation of the first CSR actions:

  • Launch of an audit on the "relamping" of our buildings
    • 60% of our buildings are equipped with LEDs
    • 100% of our sites operate on green energy
  • Implementation of a security policy, training, health and safety dashboard

First participation in European Sustainable Development Weeks:
  • Awareness-raising of employees regarding the approach
  • Awareness campaign on Equality

2022 .

Integration of 4 new challenges: Corruption and fraud, Promotion of CSR in the value chain, Social dialogue, Circular economy including waste management.

Integration of new collaborators within the committee.

Rédaction d’une charte RSE.

Signature of the charter "Transporters Commit" of the Objective CO2 initiative.

2023 .

Carpooling solution:

  • Implement a carpooling solution for our employees.
  • Réalisation du bilan carbone
  • EcoVadis Performance
  • Obtention d'une note Ecovadis de 54/100

Some actions 2022:

ECO DRIVING: Steering, training and support for drivers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

CSR CHARTER: Drafting a CSR charter for stakeholders involved in the approach

some actions for 2023:

CARPOOLING: Implement a carpooling solution for our employees with BlaBlaCar.

EUROPEAN WEEKS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Raising Awareness Among Employees About the CSR Approach

2020 .

Creation of the CSR committee consisting of 7 employees.

2021 .

Implementation of the first CSR actions:
Launch of an audit on the "relamping" of our buildings
60% of our buildings are equipped with LEDs
100% of our sites operate on green energy
Implementation of a security policy, training, health and safety dashboard

First participation in European Sustainable Development Weeks:
Awareness-raising of employees regarding the approach
Awareness campaign on Equality

2022 .

Intégration de 4 nouveaux enjeux :
Corruption et fraude.
Promotion de la RSE dans la chaîne de valeur.
Dialogue social.
Economie circulaire dont gestion des déchets.

Integration of new collaborators within the committee.

Rédaction d’une charte RSE.

Signature of the charter "Transporters Commit" of the Objective CO2 initiative.

2023 .

Carpooling solution:
Implement a carpooling solution for our employees.
Réalisation du bilan carbone.
Performance EcoVadis.
Obtention de la médaille de bronze sur EcoVadis avec une note de 54/100.

quelques actions pour 2022 :

ECO CONDUITE : Pilotage, formation et accompagnement des conducteurs pour réduction des GES.

CHARTE RSE : Rédaction d’une charte RSE à destination des parties prenantes de la démarche.

some actions for 2023:

CARPOOLING: Implement a carpooling solution for our employees with BlaBlaCar.

SEMAINES EUROPEENNES DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE : Sensibilisa.tion des collaborateurs à la démarche RSE